The Mountain Between Us

Rated PG-13
112 Minutes
Starring: Kate Winslet, Idris llba

Two strangers decided to share an airplane ride.  The airplane crashes.  They are stranded in the rugged wintry mountains with no help in sight.  What will become of them?  This movie takes right off with us meeting Alex (played by Kate Winslet) and Ben (played by Idris llba), meeting in an airport.  Due to circumstances, their flights are cancelled and they decide to split the fee and charter a private plane.  The plane crashes, the pilot dies and this is where our two strangers must face the bitter cold truth – how do they survive?  This isn’t one of those “survivalist” stories in the way you think – but a love story.  It will take two strangers, in the midst of their darkest fears, to find the strength they need to survive.  Along the way they delve deeper and deeper into each other’s lives until they reach the soul of who each other really are.  They find out that even in the depths of life and death - that there is a raw connection that makes us human and vulnerable.  At times, the story is unbelievable, but it’s a poetic piece of work with an ending that leaves you wanting more. (and just an  F.Y.I., the chemistry between the two is outstanding!  Love how it all worked in the beauty of the backdrop).

Library Link: The Mountain Between Us (DVD)

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