Life on the Line

John Travolta


So, let’s talk about anything positive with this movie.  It was meant to be a tribute to those men and women who work on the power lines and for those who died doing their job.  It was also meant to show to what extremes linemen go through to keep our power on through the fiercest of weather. 

For those who do this job, thank you.

Now, to the movie itself.  It was horrible!!  Everything about the movie was bad – there were just a “few” scenes that were decent but overall - it was bad.  John Travolta plays a “down-home rough and tumble” linesman.  He’s raising his niece as his brother died while also being a lineman and lineman is in his blood.  The story centers around his niece and her involvement with her boyfriend, then there’s an “ex” boyfriend that brings some drama into it, a bar fight, neighbors with some history that eventually revolve around the niece and then of course the ending you saw coming as soon as the movie started.  What was worse – were the performances. John Travolta’s was ugly!  I thought he must be pretty hard up to do this film because he gave a stoic performance and could barely open his mouth to get his southern drawl words out and I didn’t believe him for one minute!  The movie “tried” to show what it takes to be a lineman – but between the bad storyline and the bad acting – it just got lost, muddled, and went totally off the grid for entertainment.  Glad I didn’t expect much from this movie - because there was nothing that came from it.

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