Playing for Keeps

Fluff – that’s all this movie is – fluff.  I wasn’t expecting much from it and I wasn’t too far off base.  Gerard Butler plays George, an ex-soccer player who is trying to figure out what to do with his life after all of his success on the soccer field has faded away.  He moves back to the town where his ex-wife and son live in hopes of rekindling his relationship with them.  It’s a pretty formulaic movie as far the as the story goes.  Hot new soccer coach, lonely housewives, hookups and all the while he is trying to make his ex-wife fall back in love with him and be a better dad for his son.  But, as a romantic story goes – all good things come to play.  It doesn’t have a very strong supporting cast in Jessica Biel, Uma Thurman and Dennis Quaid or even a strong storyline but if you need to pass the night or have something on in the background –this would probably fit the bill.

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